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Subscribe HereBeing an indie author first made Sara scrappy. Having two traditionally published books launch during the pandemic made her innovative. Join Sara on her latest adventure, helping other authors take control of their writing business, maximize their opportunities, and connect with their perfect readers.
Sara is an award-winning YA author, creative writing teacher, authorpreneur, and owner of Tanabata Wishes Enterprises, LLC. Her third young adult novel, EVERY REASON WE SHOULDN'T, was named an NPR Best Book.
From small independent bookstores to major book festivals, Sara has signed books at all of them, several BEFORE she was traditionally published. Sara was named the Tempe (AZ) Public Library's 2022 Spring Writer in Residence. Since then, she has taught dozens of authorpreneurial workshops in person and online for libraries, the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, the Chicago-North Romance Writers, the Japan Writers Conference, and more.
Want to find out more about Sara the Author? Visit her author website at www.sarafujimura.com.
Work smarter, not harder, authorpreneur!
Photo by Anna Cillian, Anna Cillian Photography, copyright 2024